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SmartWin Technology
Carnegie VIC Australia

Intl.: (+61)3-9568-2565
Certified shopping cart provider for PayPal Website payments Std. & Pro. Integration Full Level 2 Google Checkout Integration with Auto Shipping Fee and Coupon Redemption Certified shopping cart provider for Authorize.Net Support Verified by VISA & MasterCard Secured Code Integration Support Australia, UK, NZ payment gateway Support National Australia Bank payment gateway Support WestPac payment gateway for Australian businesses Support all versions of Microsoft SQL Server for high-end applications Support open-source MySQL databases for high-end applications Support PCI DSS certification on your Website

CyberOffice Shared Hosting Installation

A complete check list on shared server installation. It is also intended for hosting providers to check the requirements of CyberOffice eCommerce software on their servers.

CyberOffice eCommerce software only runs on Microsoft Windows.
Namely, it will NOT run on LINUX based servers.

Always check for updated versions of CyberOffice eCommerce DLL components. The Download URL is or

Run the included "Update-DLLs.Bat" file. We make sure the DLLs are backward compatible. So do feel free to update them as often as you can.

  1. Expand the program files
  2. Register DLL components
  3. Set up program folder(s)
  4. Configure ODBC
  5. Using SQL Server databases
  6. SSL redirect issues
  7. Configure email settings
  8. Registration & encryption

Most likely, as soon as you upload your files to the site, the software will just work. But to make sure everything is under control, do go through the steps to verify that your installation is complete and correct. It is worth the time since that is your business.


Expand the program files

Download the setup programs from Run CyberShop.Exe on a desktop PC. It will expand the files into three folders (under the root directory of your local Web server, typically c:\Inetpub\wwwroot):

  • /_private: Shopping_Cart.mdb;
  • /cgi-bin: CyberShop.Dll, VB_Run.htm,;
  • /shopping_cart: all the Web pages and ASP files.

Similarly, for CyberBuild.Exe,

  • /_private: Warehouse.mdb, input.xls;
  • /cgi-bin: CyberBuild.Dll;
  • /warehouse: all the Web pages and ASP files.

For CyberClub.Exe

  • /_private: Membership.mdb;
  • /cgi-bin: CyberClub.Dll;
  • /membership: all the Web pages and ASP files.

CyberMall.Exe is an integrated suite containing all the three components,

    >/_private: All the database files;
  • /cgi-bin: All the DLL files;
  • /cybermall: all the Web pages and ASP files.

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Register DLL components

Run the batch command "Update-DLLs.bat" included in Only the system admin of the server will be able to carry out this task. This basically covers the following steps (except step 4):

  1. If upgrading, reset the IIS using iisreset.exe.
  2. If upgrading, Un-register the existing DLLs using Regsvr32.Exe /u.
  3. Copy CyberShop.Dll, CyberBuild.Dll, or CyberClub.Dll to a shared folder on your server, e.g. C:\winnt\system32. These DLLs are shared by all instances of CyberOffice applications on the server.
  4. Set Execute Permission on the DLL files for IUSR_XXX (or simply the Everyone group).
  5. Register the files by running Regsvr32.Exe [full path name of each file], e.g.
    Regsvr32.exe c:\winnt\system32\cybershop.Dll

If you are unable to register the DLL due to missing library, then

  1. Copy VB_Run.htm, to a temporary directory on the Server.
  2. Open VB_Run.htm with Internet Explorer. It will automatically download the latest Visual Basic run-time library from Microsoft.

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Set up program folder(s)

  1. Copy all files under /_private, /shopping_cart, /warehouse, or /membership, or /cybermall to a folder under the destination virtual Web server. Retain the directory structure(s).
  2. Links to the sample code, sample page, sample store, shop manager etc. can be found on the default.htm page of each folder. Test them until all problems are resolved. The default login to the shop manager is UserName = Administrator, Password = Password

Note: If ODBC settings are used, you may need to alter the connection string settings on the admin page of each program. These strings are important for the programs to communicate to each other (e.g. for CyberShop to talk to CyberClub or CyberBuild). More instructions can be found under the ODBC section below.

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Configure ODBC or connection strings

Each CyberOffice program has one database (except CyberMall, which has 5, with prefix "Mall_" or "Site1_"). It is recommended that you register them with the ODBC Manager (this makes it easier to upsize to MS SQL and other databases).

  1. Copy Shopping_Cart.mdb, Warehouse.mdb or Membership.mdb to a user folder on the server, e.g. the virtual directory /_private for a virtual Web site.
  2. Set the Full Control Permission on the entire folder for the Everyone group. Alternatively set "Read-Write-Modify" for IUSR_xxx on the folder.
  3. Hide the directory from browsing. You may move the file(s) to a folder outside the WWW Root. Otherwise, use IIS Manager or FrontPage Explorer to disable the "Read" permission on the directory. On some Web site control panel, you can "Password-protect" the _private folder.
  4. Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC) -> Create a System DSN pointing to each file. Recommended parameters (e.g. for Shopping Cart):
    DSN = [Domain Name]_shopping_cart; UID = www; PWD = smartwin
    MS Access does not care about UID and PWD (stand for user name and password). If you plan to upgrade to MS SQL, then specify the username and password to the SQL database. Otherwise, leave the default values there.
  5. Edit config.asp (under each program's folder) to reflect the new database configuration. On top of the page, there are DSN, UID, PWD parameters which need to be updated. Delete the "DBQ" and "Driver" setting lines.
  6. If there are more than one CyberOffice programs (e.g. CyberShop with CyberClub add-on), go to each program's global admin page from under the Shop Manager, update any fields that have Database specification in it. The syntax for a connection string is shown on Step 4 above (or if DBQ is used, simply replace that part only. See below).

Microsoft Access allows you to by-pass the ODBC registration steps, the so-called DSNless connection method. This might help you if you don't have the access to the ODBC manager. Replace steps 4 and 5 above by the following steps:

  1. Find out the physical path of the "_private" folder on your site. This can be found on the Admin page of the program (if you can get to see the page). Otherwise, create a dummy "dir.asp" file with the following line
    Upload it to the site and view it through the Web site.
  2. Edit config.asp and modify the "DBQ" line to use the physical path name (Physical path name use "\" to divide directories as opposed to "/" used in a URL). For example
    Const DBQ="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\_private\shopping_cart.mdb"

To help users, the programs are shipped with pre-configured database settings that are relative to the current site. For example, the default DBQ field reads DBQ="/_private/shopping_cart.mdb". This is a non-standard specification. Internally, CyberOffice translates the setting into the physical one as shown above. However, there is a catch. If you refer to a same page from different sites (e.g. SSL and normal site) with different relative URLs, the translation will break down. Therefore database configuration is very important for shared SSL sites. The task is tedious and it is easy to make errors.

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Using SQL Server databases

You may replace each MS Access database by an MS SQL Server (version 6.5 or above) database via the following steps (working knowledge of SQL Server is assumed):

  1. Create an SQL Server database using a user name and password appropriate for the virtual Web site. (see Step 4 of ODBC).
  2. Add the user to the database with db_owner permission.
  3. Data Sources (ODBC) -> Create a System DSN pointing to each SQL database. Recommended parameters (e.g. for Shopping Cart):
    DSN = [Domain Name]_shopping_cart; UID = [SQL user]; PWD = [SQL password]
  4. Use Access 2000's SQL Upsizing Wizard to convert MS Access to SQL. Open the Access database and run
    Tools -> Database Utilities -> Upsizing Wizard (There is an "over flow" bug in Access 2000, must download Office 2000 SP1, and then "accsql.exe" from Microsoft to fix the problem)
    Steps 3 and 5 can be performed from your desktop computer.
  5. Repeat Steps 5 & 6 of ODBC section. If you don't have access to the ODBC manager on the server, than you can enable "Direct SQL Server calling syntax" portion of the config.asp and add the connection to the SQL Server.

For your convenience, we store copies of MS SQL DBs and MySQL Dumps which work with the default settings of CyberBuild and CyberMall. Click to visit their respective download sections (and more instructions).

Sybase Adaptive Server and MySQL Server database: Contact for further information.

Sharing a single SQL Database

Normally, each CyberOffice program has its own database. Since you may be charged by the number of SQL databases used, you can put all the tables from different databases (shopping cart, membership, and warehouse) into one database. When you do so, append "1" to the names of tables in the membership database that also exist in the shopping cart database. Currently there are five such tables: Admin, Commissions, Sessions, Orders, OrderItems.

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SSL redirect issues

Certainly pages must be protected under SSL-secured site. The configuration differs if you have your own SSL or use a shared one provided by the host. Buying your own SSL is recommended (this might depend on your hosting plan, something it is not feasible if the IP address is shared by multiple sites).

Own SSL Certificate
  • Search the program ASP files (under Windows Explorer -> Click on the Folder -> Search) to find any files that contain
    'Call AutoSSL("")
    Edit the file to remove the Apostrophe (the single quote) character from the line.
  • Edit shopping_cart/shop_main.htm to enable a JavaScript function AutoSSL() by removing the "//" in front of it.
Shared SSL Certificate

Many hosting services provide a free shared SSL for you to use on the server. Typically you need to copy any file to be protected to a folder named "ssl". Before you do so, you must make sure the connection to the database is updated according to the ODBC section.

  1. Same as the Own SSL steps.
  2. Copy the shopping_cart and membership folder (or any folders that need protection) to the ssl folder.
  3. Edit config.asp to specify HOME_PAGE and HTTPS_DIR settings, for example
    Const HOME_PAGE = ""
    Const HTTPS_DIR = ""
    Please consult your hosting provider to have them correctly filled.
  4. If CyberClub is used, update the Master Login, Member Login, and Cart Page settings (on the program's admin page) to point to the SSL site (qualify them with full HTTPS domain).
  5. Similarly update the "Cart Page" setting on the CyberShop; Update the "Master Login Page" on CyberBuild.

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Configure email settings

Open the Shop Manager (shopping_cart/shop_main.htm, UserName = Administrator, Password = Password)

  1. Select Global/System Settings menu from the left panel.
  2. Fill in the Forwarding Email field.
  3. Fill in Email Server field (you can leave it empty if JMAIL is used).
  4. Select Email Enabled for the Email Mode.
  5. Select one of the Email Software that has been / is to be installed on the server computer. Consult your hosting provider. JMAIL and ASPEmail are free. So there is no reason not to install them on your request.
  6. If the built-in CDONTS is selected, the host must ensure that the SMTP Server of IIS is enabled to relay emails from the current computer.
  7. Press the Submit button to update the information.

CyberShop suppresses any email-related error messages. If after the steps you still cannot receive emails, use the companion "email_test.htm" page to detect the errors.

There are similar settings on the "Membership Admin Settings" and the "Configure Catalog Settings" pages for respectively CyberClub and CyberBuild.

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Registration & encryption

You must purchase the license(s) from SmartWin Technology, from the the "Pricing" tab on the top of this page. Or click on the "Purchase & Registration" link, on the bottom of the left-hand panel of the Shop Manager (which automatically fills in the Series Numbers). For each program, there is an automatic Series Number generated after installation. We need this number in order to register the program. In return, you will be issued a Registration Key that matches the Series Number. You must enter Registration Key into the system for it to take effects.

Under the Shop Manager,

  1. Select "Purchase & Registration" to automate the purchasing step.
  2. Select "Global/System Settings" menu from the left panel.
  3. Enter the Registration Key returned by SmartWin Technology.
  4. Try to fill in as many as possible the remaining fields.
  5. Press the Submit button to update the information.

For settings related to real-time credit card transactions, please consult the manual that comes with your payment gateway provider. Typically, you will enter an account identify (x_Login) and optionally and password (x_Password).

To change user name & password to the Shop Manager:

  1. Select Configure Users from the left panel.
  2. Change at least the passwords for the pre-configured user names.
  3. Delete Sales, Staff, Guest accounts if they are not used.

For CyberBuild, use the "Configure Catalog Settings" menu (or the "setting.asp" page under the /warehouse/include folder) to set the registration. For CyberClub, use the "Membership Admin Settings" (or the "admin.asp" page under the /membership folder).

Triple-DES Encryption

This is the last step before going live (after the registration key(s) is set). First, enable the Encryption on the Shopping Cart's Global System Settings page. Then enable it on any related CyberClub or CyberBuild's Admin page. This will ensure that the encrypted information on the latter can only be accessed with proper Shop Manager login to the Shopping Cart in question. Thus no other users on the shared server can decrypt the data.

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